In Article 22 of the Bahraini Constitution, freedom of religion is addressed. Bahrain has declared that the national religion is Islam, however, this does not limit those of other faiths or force them into a religion they do not believe or wish to follow. Bahrain does not have a history of forced conversion. while the strong majority of the people are of some branch of Islam, Bahrain is home to Christians, just as it is home to Jews, just as it is home to Muslims. Each religious group must have a permit to exist and function, but permits are not denied. In fact, there are no records of permits ever being denied.
The United States is a country that was founded on fundamental beliefs, one of which was the freedom of religion. The Constitution of the country states that there will be no national religion, and no law that would impede freedom of religion for any group or any singular person. Religious tolerance has been a general characteristic of the US since its founding.

Why is freedom of religion so important to the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States? Quite simply, religion cultivates, shapes, and transforms cultures. It has the power and influence to not only define and guide routine and action, but it can become a way of life. If true harmony is to exist, and true friendship be established, we must not only be tolerate, but accepting of the beliefs of others. This does not mean we have to agree on what is taught, but we must accept that someone may believe differently than another, and show compassion for that difference. If people are to live together in peace and help each other, they must understand each other on the basic levels of humanity and spirituality. We must accept each other for who we are and what we believe.

To be able to understand the beliefs of someone, and appreciate their individual right to believe, doors of friendship open. Whatever your belief, let us all continue to believe that each has a human right to worship and believe is they feel, and respect, honor, and celebrate that belief. That is the only way to ensure continued peace.