A few aspects of life and government have been covered in this blog. Everything from freedom to entertainment has led to the same conclusion. In trade, US receives commodities from Bahrain, and Bahrain from the US. In democracy, Bahrain is establishing a democracy for its people. The US is helping them with the transition. The US is trying to keep a close eye on Iran. Bahrain is helping them do that by playing host to the US Naval Fifth Fleet. The list of connections can go on. When one country does well, so does the other. When one country is in trouble, so is the other. Without a doubt, these wagons are hitched together.

Each week, we want to share with you the vision of Bahrain American Council and what we are doing to fulfill that vision. We want to share with you the events and issues between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States, and our thoughts about their importance as the two countries strengthen their mutually beneficial and amicable relationship.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Symbiont Circle
A few aspects of life and government have been covered in this blog. Everything from freedom to entertainment has led to the same conclusion. In trade, US receives commodities from Bahrain, and Bahrain from the US. In democracy, Bahrain is establishing a democracy for its people. The US is helping them with the transition. The US is trying to keep a close eye on Iran. Bahrain is helping them do that by playing host to the US Naval Fifth Fleet. The list of connections can go on. When one country does well, so does the other. When one country is in trouble, so is the other. Without a doubt, these wagons are hitched together.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Spread Like Wild Fire
That is what is at stake here! With all the other great and important reason that Bahrain and the US have been, and are, friends and allies, there is one that is most critical. It has to do with Iran. The country that has been accused of indirectly leading the riots and violent protests in Bahrain. The country with the leader who thinks it is his divine destiny to destroy Israel from off the face of the earth. The country that has sworn hatred towards the United States, freedom, and all good things. The scary part is that this kind of mentality carries destruction that can spread like a wild fire if not reigned in and quenched.
The Bahrain-US relationship is vital for the welfare of the world. For some, it saves them from slavery. For others, it saves them from annihilation. As long as Bahrain remains a peaceful monarchy the US will have a military presence there. It is host to the US Naval Fifth Fleet, who not only monitors the critical Strait of Hormuz, but is in close enough proximity to monitor the actions of Iran. If the Fleet were to be taken away from Manama, it would only be a matter of time before Iran invades and conquers Bahrain. Then it would be a matter of time until Iran declares war on each of the GCC union states, spreading themselves through out the Middle East like a wild fire, destroying everything in its path.
The interesting thing about fires is that they are alluring. They are beautiful to look at with the colors the heat and flames make. They provide warmth. It provides a preparation for food. It has the ability to do so many good things. And yet, if touched, it burns and leaves lasting scars. It literally destroys whatever it touches. Homes, towns, parts of cities and parks, and so much more have been lost forever because of the destruction. Most tragically, lives have been lost.
The fire is Iran. And it wants to come after Bahrain. Bahrain, by remaining loyal to its people, can extinguish this fire. But they can not do it alone. The US stands side by side with Bahrain with their buckets of water to throw at the fire. And this for the sake of not only Bahrain, but the safety of the entire world.
The Bahrain-US relationship is vital for the welfare of the world. For some, it saves them from slavery. For others, it saves them from annihilation. As long as Bahrain remains a peaceful monarchy the US will have a military presence there. It is host to the US Naval Fifth Fleet, who not only monitors the critical Strait of Hormuz, but is in close enough proximity to monitor the actions of Iran. If the Fleet were to be taken away from Manama, it would only be a matter of time before Iran invades and conquers Bahrain. Then it would be a matter of time until Iran declares war on each of the GCC union states, spreading themselves through out the Middle East like a wild fire, destroying everything in its path.
The interesting thing about fires is that they are alluring. They are beautiful to look at with the colors the heat and flames make. They provide warmth. It provides a preparation for food. It has the ability to do so many good things. And yet, if touched, it burns and leaves lasting scars. It literally destroys whatever it touches. Homes, towns, parts of cities and parks, and so much more have been lost forever because of the destruction. Most tragically, lives have been lost.
The fire is Iran. And it wants to come after Bahrain. Bahrain, by remaining loyal to its people, can extinguish this fire. But they can not do it alone. The US stands side by side with Bahrain with their buckets of water to throw at the fire. And this for the sake of not only Bahrain, but the safety of the entire world.
Friday, June 1, 2012
More Important Than Ever
The world has witnessed the heinous acts that have happened in the Middle East in the last few weeks. In Syria, over one hundred people, including women and children, were brutally executed. Iran is trying to stake its claim on Bahrain as Bahrain and fellow GCC states try to establish stronger ties. Indeed, things are heating up in that part of the world. The relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Bahrain is no more important than it is right now.
What is needed from each country? Quite simply, it's courage and loyalty.
The Kingdom of Bahrain needs to be courageous as they deal with not only the democratic reform for the good of their people, but also as they deal with the outside threat of Iran. Some might say it's a modern day reenactment of the Biblical David and Goliath. Bahrain, a small, peaceful country, and Iran, the "larger than life" bully. Bahrain needs to continue, as they have successfully done this far, to courageously stand up in strength. Stand up against those in their country fighting against the democratic reform. Stand up against Iran and their claim to the island country. In short, continue to dream and fight for those dreams.
The United States needs to remain loyal to one of its strongest allies. They do not need to stand in front of Bahrain as the body guard, nor behind as the fearful friend, but alongside to strengthen.
Now how does this all come together. If Bahrain knows and feels that the United States is loyal, it is a source of added courage. Bahrain will continue to fight for itself as the US stands and fights with them. If Bahrain demonstrates the courage of a lion the US will always be there to protect and fight for Bahrain.
What is needed from each country? Quite simply, it's courage and loyalty.
The Kingdom of Bahrain needs to be courageous as they deal with not only the democratic reform for the good of their people, but also as they deal with the outside threat of Iran. Some might say it's a modern day reenactment of the Biblical David and Goliath. Bahrain, a small, peaceful country, and Iran, the "larger than life" bully. Bahrain needs to continue, as they have successfully done this far, to courageously stand up in strength. Stand up against those in their country fighting against the democratic reform. Stand up against Iran and their claim to the island country. In short, continue to dream and fight for those dreams.
The United States needs to remain loyal to one of its strongest allies. They do not need to stand in front of Bahrain as the body guard, nor behind as the fearful friend, but alongside to strengthen.
Now how does this all come together. If Bahrain knows and feels that the United States is loyal, it is a source of added courage. Bahrain will continue to fight for itself as the US stands and fights with them. If Bahrain demonstrates the courage of a lion the US will always be there to protect and fight for Bahrain.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Friendship and Support
In light of Iran's inappropriate remarks regarding Bahrain and the potential union of GCC states, one needs to step back and evaluate, as country music starts Tracy Lawrence, Kenny Chesney, and Tim McGraw sing, "find out who your friends are."
Iran has interceded, unwelcomed, and tried to claim Bahrain as their own. Bahrain is in serious discussion with the other GCC states, specifically Saudi Arabia, regarding a union that would protect them all from actions like those Iran have made.
Bahrain is about to find out who its friend are, and the United States will assuredly step up. There is too much as stake to NOT step up if that action is required. A take over by Iran of Bahrain would mean the evacuation of the US Navy Fifth Fleet from the area and the eventual take over of the Strait of Hormuz. Iran would virtually be undisputed in that region, and would begin to take control of each GCC country, one by one. Trade in between the US and the Arab nations would be greatly disturbed, if not completely eliminated. There is no telling what could happen if Iran's wishes came true. Their vehement hatred towards America would know no boundaries.
Why is the friendship between the United States and Bahrain so important? One, there is strength in numbers. Bahrain and the United States will support each other against the onslaught of enemies. If it came down to a fight, US and Bahrain would be side by side. Two, prevention is the best protection. The US Naval Fifth Fleet is stationed in Bahrain, by their invitation and welcoming consent. This not only provides protection to the kingdom of Bahrain, but also provides protection to the US. They, US and Bahrain together, are able to keep a close eye on Iran.
If Iran is ever able to take over Bahrain, and subsequently the GCC nations, they will more than likely have to go through the United States to do it. Bahrain could be at the point where they find out who their friends truly are, and the United States will answer!
Iran has interceded, unwelcomed, and tried to claim Bahrain as their own. Bahrain is in serious discussion with the other GCC states, specifically Saudi Arabia, regarding a union that would protect them all from actions like those Iran have made.
Bahrain is about to find out who its friend are, and the United States will assuredly step up. There is too much as stake to NOT step up if that action is required. A take over by Iran of Bahrain would mean the evacuation of the US Navy Fifth Fleet from the area and the eventual take over of the Strait of Hormuz. Iran would virtually be undisputed in that region, and would begin to take control of each GCC country, one by one. Trade in between the US and the Arab nations would be greatly disturbed, if not completely eliminated. There is no telling what could happen if Iran's wishes came true. Their vehement hatred towards America would know no boundaries.
If Iran is ever able to take over Bahrain, and subsequently the GCC nations, they will more than likely have to go through the United States to do it. Bahrain could be at the point where they find out who their friends truly are, and the United States will answer!
Friday, May 11, 2012
The foundation of a relationship is service. It breeds compassion. It strengthens friendships and loyalties. It opens the doors for others of future generations to do the same. It produces thankful hearts that desire to reciprocate the kindness and service. Thus, we see the cycle of service, thankfulness, reciprocation, thankfulness, service, thankfulness, etc.
The perfect example of this happened this past week. His Majesty, King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, met with Admiral Mark I Fox of the US Naval Fifth Fleet that is stationed in Bahrain. Admiral Fox has served faithfully and loyally as the leading officer of the United States Naval Forces Central Command, which includes the Fifth Fleet, and has strengthened relationships between the United States and Bahrain through his service.
The Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States are connected by this very simple, yet complex principle. It's not hard to be kind to someone. But it is hard to risk your life for someone else. Bahrain and America not only have kindness between them, but loyalties that lead to sacrifice and service.
Fox will be leaving this post in the near future, and as a gesture of thanks, His Highness the King presented Admiral Fox with the First Class Medal, recognizing the efforts of Fox in building strong bilateral relationships and cooperation between the US Navy and government, and their counterparts in Bahrain.
In response, Fox lauded the King for his continued efforts of bilateral relationships and praised the fruitful cooperation of the Bahrain Defense Force while he was serving in Bahrain.
Why is this so important to both countries? Quite simple. One, by Fox's great efforts, and exceptional reputation in Bahrain, the door is open for the next commanding officer. Because of Fox, he will have a foundation on which to work. Because of the efforts made by the government of Bahrain, the new officer will enter a friendly environment where he can trust the King and the government wholeheartedly.
Another reason that these relationships are so important is the station of the Fifth Fleet. With strong relationships, the United States is able to stay in Bahrain, protecting the Strait of Hormuz, and thus, Bahrain and other Arab nations from Iran. With this close proximity to Iran, the US is also able to keep a close eye on Iran and its activities.
Therefore, it's not only important to Bahrain that the US is there, but it's important the US is there for the US and the rest of the world.
This is only possible because of people like Admiral Mark Fox and His Highness, King Hamad.
Friday, May 4, 2012
The world is a big place. It's full of exciting things to see and experience. When we travel places, there is a subconscious urge that pushes us to learn about the place we are visiting, the people that live there, and their stories (also known as "history"). So as I say, "Why not have some fun while you are learning?"

To learn about history, there is no better place to go than to a museum. Bahrain has two that stand out above all others, the Bahrain National Museum and the Beit Al Qur'an. The national museum boasts not just years and centuries of artifacts, but millenia of artifacts. Some of their exhibits can date back to the first human inhabitants, over 9000 years ago! The Beit Al Qur'an, itself a piece of architectural history, is home to a rare collection of manuscripts and books.

Touring the United States from coast to coast, one may start in the "city that never sleeps" in New York to shop and watch a Yankee game or Broadway show; travel down the coast and stop in Disney World in Florida; make your way to California, the land of stars.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is touted as the best place to visit in the Arab world. The Lonely Planet Guide describes is as "an excellent introduction to the Gulf" not only because it's rich in heritage and history, but also because it's a safe place to visit. So let's explore a little of the island country.
Being an island nation, obviously there are several beaches to visit, most of which are private. There is a large variety of things to do at the beach. Even more for the water lover, there is the largest water park in the Middle East, the Lost Paradise of Dilmun Waterpark.

One of the most lucrative attractions in Bahrain is the Formula 1 Car Race held at the Bahrain International Circuit. People from all over the world flock to Manama to watch the race each year!
The United States is no different in their tourist attractions.

And the attractions in between New York and California are just as amazing.
So why is tourism so important to both countries. There are few reasons. One, revenue. Two, understanding. Three, friendship.
With Americans traveling to Bahrain to "see the sights," Bahrain is impacted by the money spent and the services that they will be able to provide. They are creating revenue for their citizens, that in turn, will get circulated into their economy, strengthening it as it gets used. In turn, Bahraini people will have enough money to travel to the United States and vacation with their families. All of the sudden, their money is being circulated into the US economy, helping and strengthening it. It all comes round in full circle.
Two is understanding. Ignorance is a destructive tool. Many fights could be avoided by simple understanding. That is a principle that works not only on the school yard playground, but also in the global community. If people can begin to understand the lifestyle of someone else, learn why they are the way they are, a tolerance can be developed.
Reason number two segways into reason three, and that is friendship. When understanding reaches a certain point, tolerance becomes appreciation, and even admiration. A friendship can be formed as people visit each other's countries. It's a kind stranger who helps a foreigner with directions. It's a friendly conversation that turns into an invitation to dinner.
As the United States and the Kingdom of Bahrain continue to visit eachother, the economy is strengthened, an understanding is reached, and a friendship is forged. Once again, we see the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States of America intertwined for not only their own good, but for their common good.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Freedom of Religion
Religion is a sensitive subject for much of the world. Some go so far as putting faith into a "taboo" category, not talking about it with anyone. Others "wear their beliefs on their sleeves." Whatever group you may fall in, both the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States of America give right of worship to the people.
In Article 22 of the Bahraini Constitution, freedom of religion is addressed. Bahrain has declared that the national religion is Islam, however, this does not limit those of other faiths or force them into a religion they do not believe or wish to follow. Bahrain does not have a history of forced conversion. while the strong majority of the people are of some branch of Islam, Bahrain is home to Christians, just as it is home to Jews, just as it is home to Muslims. Each religious group must have a permit to exist and function, but permits are not denied. In fact, there are no records of permits ever being denied.
The United States is a country that was founded on fundamental beliefs, one of which was the freedom of religion. The Constitution of the country states that there will be no national religion, and no law that would impede freedom of religion for any group or any singular person. Religious tolerance has been a general characteristic of the US since its founding.
This is not to say that each country has been perfectly accepting of all beliefs of all people. But it is to say that they respect all people, and the strong majority of the citizens of the country show that respect through tolerance and acceptance.
Why is freedom of religion so important to the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States? Quite simply, religion cultivates, shapes, and transforms cultures. It has the power and influence to not only define and guide routine and action, but it can become a way of life. If true harmony is to exist, and true friendship be established, we must not only be tolerate, but accepting of the beliefs of others. This does not mean we have to agree on what is taught, but we must accept that someone may believe differently than another, and show compassion for that difference. If people are to live together in peace and help each other, they must understand each other on the basic levels of humanity and spirituality. We must accept each other for who we are and what we believe.
The Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States is a good example of how differences of religion need not interfere, but can be celebrated. Bahrain is home to Christians, which is predominantly a Western religion. In the like manner, the US is home to Muslims, most of them originating from the East. For the most part, they live and interact in peace. This allows us to get to know eachother, become friends, and happily co exist. It is no coincidence that two countries, each with a declaration of freedom of religion, have been able to establish not only friendly relationships, but have been able to help each other on so many other levels. This basic understanding of someone's way life as defined by their religious convictions is the foundational building block upon which everything else is built.
To be able to understand the beliefs of someone, and appreciate their individual right to believe, doors of friendship open. Whatever your belief, let us all continue to believe that each has a human right to worship and believe is they feel, and respect, honor, and celebrate that belief. That is the only way to ensure continued peace.
In Article 22 of the Bahraini Constitution, freedom of religion is addressed. Bahrain has declared that the national religion is Islam, however, this does not limit those of other faiths or force them into a religion they do not believe or wish to follow. Bahrain does not have a history of forced conversion. while the strong majority of the people are of some branch of Islam, Bahrain is home to Christians, just as it is home to Jews, just as it is home to Muslims. Each religious group must have a permit to exist and function, but permits are not denied. In fact, there are no records of permits ever being denied.
The United States is a country that was founded on fundamental beliefs, one of which was the freedom of religion. The Constitution of the country states that there will be no national religion, and no law that would impede freedom of religion for any group or any singular person. Religious tolerance has been a general characteristic of the US since its founding.

Why is freedom of religion so important to the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States? Quite simply, religion cultivates, shapes, and transforms cultures. It has the power and influence to not only define and guide routine and action, but it can become a way of life. If true harmony is to exist, and true friendship be established, we must not only be tolerate, but accepting of the beliefs of others. This does not mean we have to agree on what is taught, but we must accept that someone may believe differently than another, and show compassion for that difference. If people are to live together in peace and help each other, they must understand each other on the basic levels of humanity and spirituality. We must accept each other for who we are and what we believe.

To be able to understand the beliefs of someone, and appreciate their individual right to believe, doors of friendship open. Whatever your belief, let us all continue to believe that each has a human right to worship and believe is they feel, and respect, honor, and celebrate that belief. That is the only way to ensure continued peace.
Friday, April 20, 2012

The Kingdom of Bahrain is very aware of the power of education.
Shaik Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa, CE of Bahrain Economic Development Board, addressed an audience at The Education Project, and stressed the importance of education for the people of Bahrain. He said, "Our common vision is that we should all have access to a decent education. For education, in our world, is the passport to employment and income and personal independence...We know that education is the single most important factor in helping to improve stability, productivity and prosperity in all societies...The Education Project seeks to foster a dialogue amongst the world’s foremost educational leaders and pioneers in order to work towards solutions. Solutions that are tangible, practical, and affordable."

The continued education also provides more opportunities for trade. Innovation and new systems and products are essential to compete in an international commercial society. Without education, products and services would be sought for in other countries.
Possibly the most important reason that the United States is interested in the education of the people of Bahrain is personal independence. Democracy exists and is successful only upon the backs, and in the minds, of the people. It's a choice, it's individual. One can not be free or independent without education and knowledge. As Bahrain is pushing for a positive democratic reform, education is essential. There are some protests thats could be avoided only through education. The United States, as the leader of the democratic world, fights for the independence of all who desire it. Bahrain understands what it wants, and that is independence.
On the flip side, Bahrain is very interested in the education of the people of the United States for all the same reasons. However, possibly the most important piece of education that the Kingdom of Bahrain wants America to have is the true knowledge of the government reform and movement towards democracy. Without proper information, opinions are compromised. A fair assessment of the situation can not be made, and that is how prejudice begins. The Kingdom of Bahrain depends on the United States to educate itself so it understands what is happening in Bahrain, and how to best help Bahrain as they progress through their democratic education.
Another obvious evidence of the interest that these two countries have in each other's education is the exchange programs and institutions in the countries. American students travel to Bahrain to further their education, and vice versa. If these two countries were not interested in the other's education, why would that be available?
Once again, we learn that the United States and the Kingdom of Bahrain are intertwined. They are linked together for their own good, and the good of each other, this time in education.
Friday, April 13, 2012
It is no secret that there has been some problems in the Middle East centered around the government. It's also no secret that there are two sides to every story. One side is usually the more romantic, extreme, and televised. The other side is often overlooked and even ridiculed, though it may be the most true.
That is what we are seeing in Bahrain right now. The Royal Family, led by His Majesty, King Hamad al Khalifa, is looking to serve his people by giving them a democratic style government. Many reject his sincere attempts and proposals. But one friend and ally that will not reject their transition is the United States of American.
The US, a friend and defender of freedom, has stood by Bahrain as they have implemented changes in their government and have made amendments to their constitution. The latter is proof of the great desire of the King to phase in democracy. Amendments to their constitution has never happened before, and these amendments were to the benefit of the people, giving them more power. It was a great gesture of the faith His Majesty has in his people.
The United States, no doubt, support these amendments and these changes. The US, as the "big brother" to all that desire and fight for freedom (literally or figuratively), will continue to support the Kingdom of Bahrain in its good endeavors towards freedom for its people.
How important is the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States? Essential! If Bahrain wants freedom (and they do), they will have an uphill battle against other countries and neighbors (and they have). But the United States will be there to help Bahrain!
That is what we are seeing in Bahrain right now. The Royal Family, led by His Majesty, King Hamad al Khalifa, is looking to serve his people by giving them a democratic style government. Many reject his sincere attempts and proposals. But one friend and ally that will not reject their transition is the United States of American.
The US, a friend and defender of freedom, has stood by Bahrain as they have implemented changes in their government and have made amendments to their constitution. The latter is proof of the great desire of the King to phase in democracy. Amendments to their constitution has never happened before, and these amendments were to the benefit of the people, giving them more power. It was a great gesture of the faith His Majesty has in his people.
The United States, no doubt, support these amendments and these changes. The US, as the "big brother" to all that desire and fight for freedom (literally or figuratively), will continue to support the Kingdom of Bahrain in its good endeavors towards freedom for its people.
How important is the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States? Essential! If Bahrain wants freedom (and they do), they will have an uphill battle against other countries and neighbors (and they have). But the United States will be there to help Bahrain!
Friday, April 6, 2012
In light of the upcoming Formula 1 Grand Prix Race in Bahrain, it seems only fitting to share ways that the United States of America and the Kingdom of Bahrain are, once again, teaming up to produce something positive. However, this is something special because of the characters involved. This is not just about the US and Bahrain. This has come to a global audience, and believe me when I say, the world is taking notice.
With the unrest in Bahrain, many have been fearful of the upcoming event, assuming that it will be a place of protest instead of a venue of entertainment. This would be devastating to the Kingdom of Bahrain because the F1 Race has been its most profitable international event of the year since 2004. However, athletes and entertainers from the United States and around the world are supporting the Bahraini event, thus expressing their support to the Kingdom.

What is an event without some music? LMFAO, American electro pop duo, has committed to be the main entertainment attraction at the event later this month. The makers of "Party Rock Anthem" will certainly have the audience shuffling as they support Bahrain through their participation.
Because of the participation of the global community, and the assurance from the Crown Prince, the Formula 1 Grand Prix race will not only prove to be safe, but it will prove to be one of the greatest successes of the year for the Kingdom of Bahrain, and for the world. Sure, it will follow suit as the greatest profitable event for the country. But more importantly, it will bring positive feelings and reinforcement to the people that Bahrain cares about all its people.
Many would say, "what is the purpose of a sports event and concert in the midst of unrest and protest? It seems so inconsequential and unimportant, and out of place." However, to these people, it's quite the opposite. This gives them an outlet to remember everything right in the world. Global friendship and involvement, dreams coming true, and good competition is what the Kingdom of Bahrain supports, encourages, and desires for all its countrymen. That is why they are having this event.
One may ask, "Well, what's in it for everyone else?" Quite simply, the kingdom of Bahrain is where these athletes and entertainers have the chance to continue chasing dreams. Whether it be to win a car race, or become a popular rock band, these talented people have a chance to put their talent on showcase in Bahrain. It's a beautiful gift.
Once again, we see how the US and Bahrain are closely connected as they strive to help each other in different ways. This time, the world is coming along for the ride! So strap in, start your engines, and party rock!
With the unrest in Bahrain, many have been fearful of the upcoming event, assuming that it will be a place of protest instead of a venue of entertainment. This would be devastating to the Kingdom of Bahrain because the F1 Race has been its most profitable international event of the year since 2004. However, athletes and entertainers from the United States and around the world are supporting the Bahraini event, thus expressing their support to the Kingdom.

Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel,
famous German race car drivers for Mercedez Benz
and Red Bull respectively, have given their
support of the decision by the government of
Bahrain to proceed with the event.
Both Schumacher and Vettel will be competing in the race.
What is an event without some music? LMFAO, American electro pop duo, has committed to be the main entertainment attraction at the event later this month. The makers of "Party Rock Anthem" will certainly have the audience shuffling as they support Bahrain through their participation.
Many would say, "what is the purpose of a sports event and concert in the midst of unrest and protest? It seems so inconsequential and unimportant, and out of place." However, to these people, it's quite the opposite. This gives them an outlet to remember everything right in the world. Global friendship and involvement, dreams coming true, and good competition is what the Kingdom of Bahrain supports, encourages, and desires for all its countrymen. That is why they are having this event.
One may ask, "Well, what's in it for everyone else?" Quite simply, the kingdom of Bahrain is where these athletes and entertainers have the chance to continue chasing dreams. Whether it be to win a car race, or become a popular rock band, these talented people have a chance to put their talent on showcase in Bahrain. It's a beautiful gift.
Once again, we see how the US and Bahrain are closely connected as they strive to help each other in different ways. This time, the world is coming along for the ride! So strap in, start your engines, and party rock!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Open for Business
Through this recent, and current, economic crisis, there have been a few key lessons learned. One of them is that people now realize how they are connected. What happens in the East affects what happens in the West, and vice versa. Another great lessons is that of networking marketing. If you eat at a good restaurant, you will tell others about it, and they will eat there as well. The last lesson that I want to highlight is loyalty. If you are loyal to someone or something, that person will in turn be loyal to you.
With the relationship strengthening between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States, we see all three of these lessons in their application stage.
A Free Trade Agreement was signed on September 14, 2004, ratified on December 7, 2005, and implemented on August 1, 2006. It is aimed at stimulating flow of private investment between the two countries. There are a few key investments that each country makes in the other that have benefited from this act.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is rich in oil. The United States has a strong dependence upon foreign oil. However, there are some countries that the US does not have good relations with, that are oil rich. Therefore, the US depends greatly upon the good relationship with Bahrain in order to obtain oil.
Bahrain also enjoys a free market economy. In fact, they are recognized as the greatest free market economy country in the Middle East, and the tenth freest in the world. With that type of economy, US businesses can be established and flourish. American companies can take advantage of this by establishing businesses in Bahrain, even registering their business there, and being allowed on the Stock Exchange in order to raise capital. In exchange for this opportunity, the US brings income into Bahrain as businesses operate there, and the people are employed.
This is a true win-win situation, and another reason that the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States is so important not only to these two countries, but to the world.
With the relationship strengthening between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States, we see all three of these lessons in their application stage.
A Free Trade Agreement was signed on September 14, 2004, ratified on December 7, 2005, and implemented on August 1, 2006. It is aimed at stimulating flow of private investment between the two countries. There are a few key investments that each country makes in the other that have benefited from this act.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is rich in oil. The United States has a strong dependence upon foreign oil. However, there are some countries that the US does not have good relations with, that are oil rich. Therefore, the US depends greatly upon the good relationship with Bahrain in order to obtain oil.
Bahrain also enjoys a free market economy. In fact, they are recognized as the greatest free market economy country in the Middle East, and the tenth freest in the world. With that type of economy, US businesses can be established and flourish. American companies can take advantage of this by establishing businesses in Bahrain, even registering their business there, and being allowed on the Stock Exchange in order to raise capital. In exchange for this opportunity, the US brings income into Bahrain as businesses operate there, and the people are employed.
This is a true win-win situation, and another reason that the relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United States is so important not only to these two countries, but to the world.
Friday, March 23, 2012
US Fifth Fleet in Bahrain
The kingdom of Bahrain and the United States of America share interests in each other economically, socially, politically, and militarily. The geographical location of Bahrain is of great importance to the US, and the whole world knows it. Nobody knows it better than Iran. This tyrannical leadership of Iran has made their desires very clear, but the fruition of those desires, for now, have been foiled because of the Bahraini-US relationship.

The placement of the Fifth Fleet in the United States Navy is no accident. It was strategically placed there. It was critical that they be there in order to maintain open the Strait of Hormuz. It's important they are there to bring stability to the Middle East regions that so desperately want it. The Fifth Fleet keeps the waterways open to trade, something of vital importance to Bahrain and the US. If goods can not go in nor come out, money is not exchanged, and then production would eventually cease.
The US Navy Fifth Fleet not only provides physical safety and security to many people, it indirectly provides economic growth to Middle East regions and the US.

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His Majesty, King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa visits Fifth Fleet |
Bahrain demonstrates great courage and strength in being host to these courageous men and women. They show their commitment to democracy and reform, to freedom and progress.
The relationship between Bahrain and US is strengthened through US Navy influence
and Bahraini reform and openness.
Fo read more about US Navy Fifth Fleet, visit their site.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Welcome to BAC Weekly
This is what this spot is all about! The relationship between Bahrain and the United States. What are the two countries doing to help each other in a variety of fields, industries, and endeavors. From education to armed forces, these two countries are allies and friends. BAC Weekly will share that relationship in hopes to further and strengthen it.
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