Friday, June 15, 2012

Symbiont Circle

By now, I hope that we all understand how intertwined Bahrain and United States really is.  Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi teaches the principle to the King of the Gungans when he says, "You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle.  What happens to one will effect the other."  And certainly what happens to one country, will effect the other.

A few aspects of life and government have been covered in this blog.  Everything from freedom to entertainment has led to the same conclusion.  In trade, US receives commodities from Bahrain, and Bahrain from the US.  In democracy, Bahrain is establishing a democracy for its people.  The US is helping them with the transition.  The US is trying to keep a close eye on Iran.  Bahrain is helping them do that by playing host to the US Naval Fifth Fleet.  The list of connections can go on.  When one country does well, so does the other.  When one country is in trouble, so is the other.  Without a doubt, these wagons are hitched together.

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